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Professor of English, UNSW Sydney

Nicole Moore is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in literary studies and Associate Dean for Special Collections at UNSW Canberra.

Her main research interest is Australian literature, combined with interdisciplinary and comparative research in cultural history, gender and sexuality studies, and book history, with a special interest in censorship. She is the author of The Censor's Library: Uncovering the Lost History of Australia's Banned Books, which won the Walter McCrae Russell award from the Association for the Study of Australian Literature in 2013, and was shortlisted for a Queensland Literary Award, the Penny Pether prize from the Australian Law, Literature and the Humanities Association, and the Prime Minister's Literary Award in Australian History. Her research pursues issues at stake in the political cultures of writing and reading, and the complex relations of literature and history within and across national boundaries. Through 2014-2018 a Future Fellowship enables her to embark on a biography of the prominent Australian writer Dorothy Hewett.


  • –present
    Professor of English, UNSW


  • 1997 
    University of Queensland, English