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Doctor in Criminology, La Trobe University Law School, La Trobe University

Dr Nicole Ryan is a criminologist in the Law School at La Trobe University. She has almost a decade of experience in conducting criminological research and teaching in higher education. Doctor Ryan’s research sits at the interface between several disciplines including, criminology and criminal justice, sociology, critical social policy, rural criminology, social ecology studies, and race, culture and gender studies.

Besides her interest in Indigenous justice issues and reincarceration, Nicole is currently working on two streams of research. First, she is exploring prison visitation in Australia and the impact that visitation has on the visitor, and second, she is examining the relationship between prison through-care programs and reincarceration.

Dr Ryan has conducted evaluations of community justice programs and specialised court programs, and empirical research on the risk factors of reincarceration, youth justice conferencing, raising the age of criminal culpability, and public attitudes on sentencing, rehabilitation and reintegration practices. She currently serves as an expert advisor to New South Wales Corrective Services Children and Families of Offenders Steering Committee (CFOSC).


  • –present
    Criminology Coordinator La Trobe University Law School, La Trobe University


  • 2019 
    Griffith University, Phd - Criminology