Dr. Li-Jessen is a Canada Research Chair in Personalized Medicine of Upper Airway Health and Disease. She is a speech-language pathologist (BSc) and a system biologist (Ph.D) by training. She is now an Associate Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at McGill University.
Dr. Li-Jessen directs the Voice and Upper Airway Research Laboratory at McGill. Her laboratory focuses on advancing personalized medicine in voice and upper airway disorders through the development of advanced computing, wearable devices, non-invasive diagnostics and rational biomaterials for tissue regeneration.
Dr. Li-Jessen is also the National Coordinator of World Voice Day in Canada. Since 2015, she and her speech-language pathology students have organized free voice screening tests, voice workshops and research seminars for student teachers, singing students, and the general public to celebrate this global event in Montreal.
Canada Research Chair (tier 2) in Personalized Medicine of Upper Airway Health and Diseases