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Nurul Laksmi Winarni

Research Scientist, Universitas Indonesia

Nurul Winarni has been worked as field biologist since she graduated from Universitas Indonesia. She started as birdwatcher and now, has been working in various field research projects, from observing game animal to hornbill and primates. She studied the Great argus pheasant population dynamic for her master degree and capable of using radio telemetry and GIS to understand the distribution and movement patterns of Great argus. And for her PhD program, she studied the effect of anthropogenic disturbance to bird and butterfly community in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi where she was also developed biodiversity indicator for anthropogenic disturbance. For the last few years, she has been involved in climate change research and has been involved in several management meetings on REDD and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Her experience in biodiversity research is an advantage and offer greater opportunity to expand and develop climate change research on adaptation and mitigation.


  • –present
    Research Scientist, Universitas Indonesia


  • 2010 
    Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, S3 Conservation Biology