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Paloma de la Peña Alonso

Senior Researcher in African Quaternary Archaeology and Hominin Palaeoecology (University of Cambridge and University of the Witwatersrand), University of the Witwatersrand

I am motivated by a desire to learn more about human cultural behaviour during the Pleistocene and by a passion for fieldwork. Particularly I believe that a good archaeological understanding comes from three different branches: exhaustive fieldwork considering stratigraphy and questioning methodologies, archaeological analyses of material culture based on robust experimental programmes, and a strong theoretical background. The principal line of evidence that I have followed to understand cultural behaviour is stone tool analyses, with a strong experimental component. I have mainly work in the Pleistocene Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula (Early Upper Paleolithic contexts) and Southern Africa (Middle Stone Age contexts).


  • –present
    Investigadora en Prehistoria, University of the Witwatersrand


  • 2011 
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Doctora