I am a reader in biomedical engineering and came to Newcastle in 2010 to develop world class collaborations between the school of EEE and the Institute of Neuroscience. I have a BSc (1st class) and MRes in applied physics from Liverpool University, and a PhD in bioimaging from the Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology. After some time in the software industry, I did two post-doctoral projects at Imperial College before getting an RCUK fellowship in 2005. From 2005-2010 I was a lecturer and then senior lecturer in Imperial College, before coming to Newcastle. In my time I have had numerous research awards and published numerous papers in the key journals in the biomedical field.
At the heart of these efforts is my pioneering use of CMOS-micro-LED optoelectronics in combination with optogenetic gene therapy solutions. These will lead to highly advanced forms of prosthetic intervention not previously possible. This has led to a number of highly cited papers in key biomedical engineering journals. Furthermore I have explored impact through patient trials and commercial translation.
To achieve my aims I have been part of a number of large research consortia. Between 2010-2014 I coordinated the FP7 OptoNeuro project. More recently I am the engineering team leader on the £10M CANDO project to develop a next-generation prosthesis for epilepsy. Currently I have a large highly dedicated team of RAs, and PhD students.