Dr Paul Gray is a Wiradjuri man from NSW. He is currently Associate Professor at the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research, UTS, focused on child and family welfare and wellbeing. Paul completed a DPhil in Experimental Psychology at St Catherine's College, Oxford, as an inaugural Charlie Perkins Scholar. His research investigated the impact of child maltreatment on social and emotional processes in adolescence, seeking to inform policy and practice to improve outcomes for children and young people in out-of-home care.
Paul has worked in various roles with the NSW Department of Family and Community Services including as a psychologist and policy and project roles prior to becoming the Executive Leader of Strategy, Policy and Evidence at AbSec (NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation), the Aboriginal peak body in the child protection sector in NSW. In this role he led the development of community-led approaches to child and family wellbeing and advocated for systemic and practice reforms grounded in the rights and interests of Aboriginal children, families and communities.
Paul is also a Trustee of the Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust, and Deputy Chair of the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association.