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Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Bristol

Dr Peter Dunne is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol Law School. He is an expert on law, sexual orientation and gender identity. Peter is the author of Rethinking Legal Gender Recognition: A Human Rights Analysis (2021 Hart). He is co-editor of Law and Gender in Modern Ireland: Critique and Reform (Hart 2019, with Lynsey Black), The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom (Palgrave 2020, with Sen Raj) and Intersectionality and Human Rights (Hart 2020, with Shreya Atrey). Peter is currently undertaking EU-funded research on sexual orientation non-discrimination protections outside employment law in the European Union. With funding from the SLSA, Peter (along with Maria Moscati) is also currently researching the voice of trans children in England in relation to reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004. In addition, Peter is an Associate Member of the leading human rights barristers set, Garden Court Chambers. Since 2018, he has served as the Senior Expert for Sexual Orientation with the European Equality Law Network. Peter’s research has been widely cited by judicial and public bodies – including the High Court of England and Wales, German Federal Court, Equality Authority of Ireland and the Hong Kong Inter-Departmental Working Group on Legal Gender Recognition. Peter was an expert witness for the UK Parliamentary Inquiry on Transgender Equality and his evidence was extensively referenced in the Inquiry’s final report to the UK government.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer , University of Bristol


  • 2018 
    Trinity College Dublin , PhD