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Associate Dean and Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bath

Pete Nuttall’s work considers the consumer behaviour and practices of adolescents. His work centres around the inter-relationships between adolescent consumer behaviour and the social factors that affect the consolidation of identity positions and includes adolescent expression of self in the context of music consumption, the social environment and its relevance for adolescent choice and use of music. More recently he has explored elective identity and commitment to practice within social groups. Employing innovative research methods to generate greater insight into adolescent behaviour is key to his research. Current projects include youth ritual Practices. This research is motivated by an interest in the relative impact of transition on consumption and identity formation often using ritual practice as a context and employs novel ethno-participatory research techniques. This work has also been the focus of a number of research grant applications. His other other research interests include global consumer research, international marketing and stakeholder value in cross-cultural higher education strategic alliances.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bath