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Pieter Vanhuysse MAE

Professor of Political Economy and Public Policy, Chair at Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark

Pieter Vanhuysse MAE, PhD (LSE) is Full Professor of Political Economy and Public Policy at the Department of Political Science of the University of Southern Denmark. He also holds a Chair at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study. Pieter is a member of the European Academy, a member of the Roster of Experts at Population Europe and a founding board member of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Population Dynamics at SDU Social Sciences.

Pieter has published over 50 articles on the comparative political economy and political demography of welfare states, public policies, democratic transitions, generations, and population aging. His book on the political economy of transitions to democracy, Divide and Pacify: Political Protests and Strategic Social Policies in Post-Communist Democracies (2006), was nominated for the Political Sociology Best Book Award by the American Sociological Association. He has also co-edited Aging Populations in Post-Industrial Democracies (2012), Post-Communist Welfare Pathways (2009), and Global Political Demography (2021).

around 3300 citations, H-index=30, i-10 Index=51 (Google Scholar)

Beyond academic citations and invited lectures at over 40 institutes of higher learning, Pieter has spoken and consulted widely to ministries and policymaking communities, including the Obama White House (Office of the Vice President), three European Commission Vice-Presidents, a High-Level Policy Summit on Responses to Sustainability, the European Environmental and Sustainable Development Advisory Council, the Inter-Parliamentary Union at the Canadian Parliament, a Population Europe and Max Planck Society Brussels High-Level Expert Meeting, the Inter-American Conference on Social Security, the IBM International Social Sector Forum, UNICEF, the Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Indicators program, the International Social Security Association, the United Nations Office in Vienna, the Lithuanian parliament, the Slovak Social Ministry, the Austrian ministries of Finance and Social Affairs, and the Global Economic Symposium.

Selected publications:

Bonomi Bezzo, Franco & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2024), ’Better to Grow Up Poor in a Richer Place? Social Housing, Neighbourhood Comparisons, and English Teenagers’ Well-Being,’ Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(28).

Vanhuysse, Pieter, Medgyesi, Marton & Gal, Robert Ivan (2023), ’Taxing Reproduction: The Full Transfer Cost of Rearing Children in Europe,’ Royal Society Open Science, 10(10), Article 230759

Bonomi Bezzo, Franco, Raitano, Michele & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2023), 'Beyond human capital: How does parents’ direct influence on their sons' earnings vary across eight OECD countries?’, Oxford Economic Papers

Vanhuysse, P. (2023), ‘A Governance Perspective on East Central Europe’s Population Predicament: Young Exit, Grey Voice, and Lopsided Loyalty,’ Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 21: 69-80.

Lampert, A., R. Sulitzeanu-Kenan, P. Vanhuysse, & M. Tepe (2022), 'A game theoretic approach identifies conditions that foster vaccine-rich to vaccine-poor country donation of surplus vaccines,' Communications Medicine (Nature Research) 2, 107.

Vanhuysse, P., Medgyesi, M., & Gal, R. (2021). 'Welfare States as Lifecycle Redistribution Machines: Decomposing the roles of age and socio-economic status shows that European tax-and-benefit systems primarily redistribute across age groups.' PLoS ONE 16(8): e0255760.

Vanhuysse, P., Jankowski, M. & Tepe, M. (2021) 'Vaccine alliance building blocks: a conjoint experiment on popular support for international COVID-19 cooperation formats.' Policy Sciences 54, 493–506.

Goerres, Achim & Vanhuysse Pieter, eds. (2021): Global Political Demography: The Politics of Population Change, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Open Access.

Tepe, Markus,, Vanhuysse, Pieter & Lutz, Maximilian (2021), ' Merit, Luck and Taxes: Societal Reward Rules, Self-Interest and Ideology in a Real-Effort Voting Experiment,' Political Research Quarterly

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2020), 'Taking Social Policy Personally: How Does Neuroticism Affect Welfare State Attitudes?,' Social Policy & Administration, 54 (5): 699-718.

Andersen, Thomas B., Barslund, Mikkel, & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2019), 'Join to Prosper? An empirical analysis of EU membership and economic growth,' Kyklos, 72(2): 211-238.

Gal, Robert Ivan, Vanhuysse, Pieter & Vargha, Lili (2018), ‘Pro-Elderly Welfare States within Child-Oriented Societies,’ Journal of European Public Policy 25 (6): 944-958.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2017), ‘Are Future Bureaucrats More Prosocial?’ Public Administration, 95 (4): 957-975.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2014) ‘A Vote at the Opera? The Political Economy of Public Theatres and Orchestras in the German States,’ European Journal of Political Economy 36: 254-273.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2013), ‘Parties, Unions, and Activation Strategies: The Context-Dependent Politics of Active Labor Market Policy Spending,’ Political Studies, 61 (3): 480-504.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2013), ‘Cops for Hire: The Political Economy of Police Employment across German States,’ Journal of Public Policy, 33 (2): 165-199.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2010), 'Elderly Bias, New Social Risks, and Social Spending: Change and Timing in Eight Programs across Four Worlds of Welfare, 1980-2003', Journal of European Social Policy 20 (3): 218-234.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2009), 'Educational Business Cycles: The Political Economy of Teacher Hiring across German States, 1992-2004,' Public Choice, 139 (1-2): 61-82.

Tepe, Markus & Vanhuysse, Pieter (2009), 'Are Aging OECD Welfare States on the Path to Gerontocracy? Evidence from 18 Democracies, 1980-2002,' Journal of Public Policy, 29 (1): 1-28.


  • –present
    Professor of Comparative Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark


  • 2003 
    London School of Economics, Political Science


Member of the European Academy, sections ‘Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare’ and ‘Social Change and Social Thought’