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Lecturer in sport and performance psychology , University of Bath

Rachel joined the Department for Health at the University of Bath in September 2012 following a seven-year programme at Loughborough University, during which she achieved her BSc, MSc, and PhD. The title of her PhD thesis was ‘The Assessment and Examination of Organizational Stressors in Sport Performers’. Rachel's research has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at national and international conferences.

In 2013, Rachel was awarded the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Dissertation Award, as well as the Young Investigator Award at the International Convention on Science, Education, and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS) conference in 2012. She was also awarded the Sir Robert Martin prize in 2009, which is the premier award at Loughborough University and recognises a combination of both academic and non-academic achievement. More recently (2016), Rachel has been awarded the British Psychological Society (BPS) Award for Outstanding Doctoral Research Contributions to Psychology (she delivered a podcast for the BPS following this award).

Rachel is a committee member for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and has provided support to a number of athletes and teams as a BPS Chartered Psychologist. In addition, she has worked closely with sport organisations to create effective performance environments and cultures. Rachel is also the Senior Tutor and Careers Representative for the Department for Health, the Placements Tutor for the Sport and Exercise Science degree program, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Psychology Section Editor of the Journal of Applied Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Science (JACSSES), an editorial board member for various journals (e.g., The Sport Psychologist, Journal of Sport Psychology in Action), and a premier league hockey player.


  • –present
    Lecturer in sport and performance psychology , University of Bath