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Ricardo Miguel Nóbrega Araújo

Junior Researcher, Universidade de Lisboa

Ricardo Araújo is a researcher at the Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (University of Lisbon) where he develops research on X-ray synchrotron microtomography applied to paleontology. He has used the synchrotron technology to help address physiological, developmental and anatomical questions with relevance for paleontology, namely the origin of endothermy. He is the leader of the PaleoMoz project, an international research endeavor that aims to promote, value and protect the Mozambican paleontological heritage and create the first generation of Mozambican paleontologists. He has helped building the first fossil preparation lab of the country, trained multiple students a collected many fossils mostly from the Niassa
and Tete Provinces.


  • –present
    Junior Researcher, Universidade de Lisboa


  • 2013 
    Southern Methodist University, Geology