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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Queensland

Richard’s work focuses on soil microbiological processes in sugarcane farming systems, particularly centred on the nitrogen cycle. Richard is interested in alterations of soil biogeochemical cycles under different land uses, and using this information to devise more sustainable cropping systems. Richard’s research examines production rates and fluxes of soil nitrogen compounds, in context of their availability to plants. Sugarcane cropping systems in Australia have poor synchronisation of nitrogen application with crop demand: Richard’s current project is examining the capacity of legume intercrops to provide ‘slow release’ nitrogen across the sugarcane growing season


  • 2013–present
    Postdoctoral research fellow, The University of Queensland
  • 2010–2013
    PhD candidate, The University of Queensland
  • 2007–2009
    Research assistant, The University of Queensland


  • 2014 
    The University of Queensland, PhD (Agricultural Science)
  • 2007 
    The University of Queensland, Bachelor of Science (Honours)


2013: Sugar Research and Development Corporation Award, Science and Innovation Award for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry