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PhD Researcher, River Zoogeomorphology, Loughborough University

PhD Topic: Transport and modification of sediment in rivers by case-building caddisfly

The important influence that animals can have on river geomorphology and hydrology is increasingly being recognised, particularly in regards to large organisms such as fish and beaver. In comparison the effects of invertebrates may seem inconsequential, but the vast numbers of these animals mean that they can have far reaching impacts.

Caddisfly are small aquatic invertebrates which, as larvae, build cases and nets from silk (like spider silk) and sand. My PhD work considers how caddisfly modify and transport sediment, and ultimately, effect processes of sediment transport in rivers. This work involves a combination of field studies and laboratory work (including in flumes - indoor rivers).

You can see my publications here;


  • –present
    PhD Researcher, River Zoogeomorphology, Loughborough University