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Rita Makumbi-Oola

Senior Lecturer and Director of Quality Assurance, Ndejje University

Dr Makumbi holds a Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Master of Science in Project Management, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration from Nkumba University. She has been involved in higher education sector teaching and research for the last ten years. Her research interests include economic growth, education quality development, youth enhancement and policy management. She has been engaged in higher education sector for the last 10 years and actively involved in different quality enhancement activities at the national and regional level. She has been trained in quality assurance theories and practices, and is involved in dissemination activities to ensure growth of the quality assurance agenda.

Rita is currently the president of the East African Quality Assurance Network and the chairperson of the Ugandan Universities Quality Assurance Forum. She is a member of the Association of African Universities. She is a fellow with the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.


  • –present
    Lecturer and Director of Quality Assurance, Ndejje University