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Reader in Paediatric Allergy, Imperial College London

Dr Boyle was appointed to Imperial College London as NIHR Clinical Lecturer in 2007, Clinical Senior Lecturer in 2009, Director of the Paediatric Research Unit from 2013 and Clinical Reader from 2017. Prior to this he trained in Paediatric Allergy and Immunology at the Royal Children's Hospital and Melbourne University, Australia where his PhD investigated the mechanisms through which dietary interventions may prevent eczema.

Dr Boyle works in a specialist Clinical Research Facility for studies of Children and Young People, with a focus on the development of new ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating inflammatory conditions which affect young people. His main research focus is the primary prevention of allergic diseases, using both nutritional and non-nutritional interventions.


  • –present
    Reader in Paediatric Allergy, Imperial College London