Robin started his academic career in 1986 at the University of Cape in the area of Communications Engineering. He had previously spent 10 years in industry, mostly with Philips and Plessey, where he worked on the design of precision electronic distance measuring equipment. During this period, he also lived and worked in Israel, and was a student in the UK.
His recent work has been in network protocols and the management of complex next generation networks. In particular, he was instrumental in the creation of the Teleholonic Systems Research Group, which was part of the IICT, and is now a part of CRIN. It concentrates on the application of biological/ecological metaphors to the service activation and management tasks in telecommunications networks. It has created two significant new paradigms in Autonomic Network Management ontology and a Distributed Active Information Model for Autonomic Communications.
In the broader context, his most significant contributions to the field have been in the areas of Modulation, Information theory and Coding. He was the founder, and Director of the Digital Radio Research Group at the University of Cape Town, which supervised over 50 research degree candidates in the years that he was attached to it. It became an acknowledged leader in the area of CPFSK, including participating in the creation of a structure for MSK demodulation.