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Head of Indicators and Assessments Unit, Zoological Society of London

Robin Freeman is the Head of the Indicators and Assessments Unit at ZSL. This unit focuses on understanding the patterns and processes of global biodiversity change. From understanding global population trends through indicators like the Living Planet Index to how these trends respond to pressures and drivers across multiple scales. Together Robin's unit maintains and produces the Living Planet Index which is reported biannually with WWF in the Living Planet Report.

Robin originally conducted his doctoral work in a combination of zoology and machine learning and pattern recognition to investigate the distribution and navigational behaviour of homing pigeons and seabirds. He maintains a strong interest in novel analytical methods to better understand the natural world (including working closely with ZSL's Conservation Technology Unit).

Robin also works very closely with the Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (CBER) at UCL and have previously had roles in the Computational Ecology group at Microsoft Research Cambridge with CoMPLEX at UCL and with the Animal Behaviour group at Oxford University.


  • –present
    Head of Indicators and Assessments Unit, Zoological Society of London


  • 2009 
    Oxford, DPhil/Phd