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Professor of Policy and Impact, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University

Rod Glover is Professor of Policy and Impact at the Monash Sustainable Development Institute.

Rod is an economist, specialising in innovation and entrepreneurship in systems and societies. He is an experienced policy leader and adviser, having worked across sectors and at the highest levels of policy and politics. His wide array of policy roles include Deputy Secretary (Innovation and Projects) in Victoria’s Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Senior Adviser to an Australian Prime Minister.

Rod has led the design and development of major policy frameworks in Australia, including the COAG National Reform Agenda (which reset the framework of Commonwealth-State relations), the Australian Government's Industry and Innovation Statement, and the design of new entrepreneurial institutions. He has worked with leading innovation institutions in London, San Francisco and New York, and at Melbourne Business School and the Australian Treasury.

Rod is currently a member of the National Sustainable Development Council, a Director of the Centre for Evidence and Implementation, and a Director and Research Committee Chair of the think tank Per Capita.

He has previously been a Director of Save The Children Australia, a member of the Australian Government’s National Sustainability Council, a Director of the Victorian Government’s Centre of Excellence in Intervention and Prevention Science (in public health), Director of the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, a Board member of ClimateWorks Australia, an Advisory Board Member of BehaviourWorks Australia, Chair of the COAG Preventative Health Working Group, Chair of Hands on Learning Australia (tackling educational disengagement) and a member of the Grattan Institute's Productivity Reference Group.


  • 2017–2018
    Professor, Monash University