I design experiments and technologies to explore the ways in which online platforms can influence the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of individuals and groups. Currently, I am a PhD student in the world's first Network Science PhD program at Northeastern University and am advised by Christo Wilson and David Lazer.
The research I've been involved with has been published in journals including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the ACM: Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Technology in Human Services, Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, and (upcoming) the Proceedings of the Web Conference, Web and Society.
Before coming to Boston, I spent four and a half years in San Diego, CA working closely with Robert Epstein, former Editor-in-Chief of Psychology Today and the last graduate student of B.F. Skinner. During my time with Dr. Epstein at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT) I co-authored six peer-reviewed journal articles and 21 accepted conference abstracts, helped establish the institute's business (legal, administrative, and accounting) and Institutional Review Board (independent reviews for human-subjects research) procedures, and managed and mentored 20 research assistants.