Ross K. Baker, Professor, received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a research Associate at the Brookings Institution before joining the Rutgers faculty. Professor Baker’s fields of interest are: American Government and U.S. Legislative Politics.
He is the author of following books: “The Afro-American; “American Government” with Gerald Pomper and W. Carey McWiliams: “Friend and Foe in the U.S. Senate”(Free Press), “The New Fat Cats”(Brookings); “House and Senate”and “Strangers on a Hill”(W.W. Norton); and “Is Bipartisanship Dead?”(Paradigm) He was contributing editor to American Demographics, a member of the editorial board of Polity, and is currently a Member of the Board of Contributors of USA Today.
Professor was a Fulbright Lecturer at the Swedish Insitute of International Relations in Stockholm and served as guest editor of its journals Internationella Studier and Varldspolitikens Dagsfragor. He was Visiting Professor at Haverford College in 1992 and Visiting Professor at the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2000.
He served as a consultant to the Democratic caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives and senior advisor to Senators Patrick J. Leahy [D-VT] and Chuck Hagel [R-NE]. In 2008, 2012, and 2016 he was Scholar in Residence in the Office of the Democratic Leader of the U.S. Senate.
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