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Biologist, Monash University

Rowan is a spatial ecologist who enjoys finding out why animals occur where they do. He uses tracking devices and satellite-derived data to learn how wildlife populations interact with their environment, and hopes that his discoveries help conserve the species he studies. Rowan loves the fieldwork component of his work, but increasingly he is enjoying applying his specialist analytical skills to conservation problems.

Science communication is one of Rowan’s core interests and he is on the writing team for national nature engagement and science communication charity Remember the Wild and their regional branch Wild Melbourne. He has also been on the organising committee for the 3rd and 4th World Seabird Twitter Conferences (#WSTC3 and #WSTC4), helping spread seabird research to a global audience of more than 3.9 million people.

Rowan has previously worked on woodland bird projects across much of northern Victoria. These projects have had a focus on fire ecology, particularly how woodland bird assemblages are influenced by prescribed burning operations, as well as how woodland birds respond to revegetation works. These studies had a whole of landscape focus, aiming to document patterns beyond the site-specific scale.


  • –present
    Biologist, Monash University