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Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Creative Industries, King's College London

Ruth Adams has worked at King’s since 2003 and was instrumental in establishing the MA in Cultural & Creative Industries. She teaches courses on Museums, Heritage and Tourism. Ruth’s current research projects include Grime music as an expression of national identity and heritage in the post-colonial city; representations of country houses and the aristocracy in popular culture; and popular engagement with national media events. She is interested in the idea of 'Englishness', how nostalgia and perceptions of the past shape our understanding of the present, legacies of colonialism, how socio-economic circumstances influence cultural choices, in the interplay between high art and popular culture, and examples of the eruption of the avant-garde into the everyday.


  • 2015–present
    Senior Lecturer in Cultural & Creative Industries, King's College London


  • 2005 
    University of London, PhD