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Samuel S. Holloway

Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Portland

Sam Holloway is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Portland. His research on business model innovations examines how strategy affects the design of organizational architectures and has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Science Review, and Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, among others. His current research includes studying the business side of craft brewing. Based upon his research, Dr. Holloway (and fellow UP Professor, Dr. Mark Meckler) launched CRAFTINGASTRATEGY.COM, a global online learning community whose mission is to empower craft brewing entrepreneurs to run profitable businesses, so they can create more jobs and transform their local communities for the better. Additionally, Sam teaches undergraduate and MBA courses in strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Sam also helped launch the Pamplin School of Business’ first online courses as part of the school’s Continuing Education Certificate: Craft Beer Business Strategy.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Portland


2016 Western Academy of Management Ascendant Scholar