Sandra Jeppesen researches with autonomous media and social movements from an intersectional feminist, queer, trans, anti-racist, anti-capitalist & decolonizing perspective. Co-founder of the Media Action Research Group (MARG), and former member of the Collectif de Recherche sur l’Autonomie Collective (CRAC) in Montreal, she has held the Lakehead University Research Chair in Transformative Media and Social Movements (2016-19). She has co-edited a book titled, Media Activist Research Ethics, with Paola Sartoretto (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2019) in their Global transformation in media and communications research imprint, and another titled, Transformative Media (UBC Press, 2021), and a third entitled, The Capitol Riots: Digital media, disinformation, and democracy under attack. She has a BASc in Sytems Design Engineering, an MA in English and Creative Writing, and a PhD in English literature with a dissertation on non-fiction 'Guerrilla Texts'.