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Lecturer in Global Seismology, University of Cambridge

Sanne Cottaar’s research investigates processes in the deep Earth using seismic waves, helping us understand the intriguing properties and dynamics of the deep mantle and core.

The interests of my research group include: constraining anomalous structures above the core-mantle boundary and their role in the history and dynamics of the Earth; mapping seismic discontinuities to infer temperature and heterogeineity in the mantle transition zone and understand the role of the mantle transition zone in global dynamics; and studying seismic anisotropy caused by flow in the lowermost mantle.


  • –present
    University Lecturer in Global Seismology, University of Cambridge
  • 2013–2015
    Research fellow, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge


  • 2013 
    University of California, Berkeley, PhD
  • 2008 
    Utrecht University, MSci