Dr. Sarah Zipp is an Associate Professor and the Program Director for Sport Management in the Bolte School of Business at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland (USA). Her work explores sport for development, gender equality, globalization, ethics in leadership and issues of social justice in sport. Dr. Zipp has taught at universities in the UK, USA, Netherlands, Singapore and Japan, bringing a global perspective to her teaching and research.
She is the founder of the Power to Play, Period project on menstrual health education in sport. See www.powertoplayperiod.com.
Dr. Zipp has published numerous journal articles, book chapters, reports and news articles. She co-edited the Routledge Handbook of Global Sport (2020) and was named the Early Career Researcher of the Year (2020) by the Journal of Sport for Development. She earned her PhD in International Development Studies at the International Institute for Social Studies at Erasmus University in the Netherlands. She studied sport administration at Virginia Commonwealth University (MSc) and anthropology/archaeology at Washington and Lee University in her home country, the USA. Long ago, Dr. Zipp was a competitive athlete in basketball, athletics (track & field) and team handball.
Early Career Scholar of the Year - Journal of Sport for Development (2020)