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Associate Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Binghamton University, State University of New York

My research focuses on sexuality and gender, anti-LGBTQ+ prejudice, racial bias in educational and law enforcement contexts, and the relationship between social science and social change.


  • 2013–present
    Associate Professor, Binghamton University, State University of New York
  • 2004–2013
    Assistant Professor, Binghamton University, State University of New York


  • 2004 
    The Graduate Center, City University of New York, PhD, Social Personality Psychology
  • 1998 
    The Graduate Center, City University of New York, MPhil, Social Personality Psychology
  • 1998 
    Hunter College, City University of New York, MA, Social Personality Psychology
  • 1994 
    Hunter College, City University of New York, BA, Psychology/English


  • 2021
    LGBT minority stress through a ‘glocal’ lens., (forthcoming chapter) in G. Herdt, M. Marzullo, & N. Polen-Petit (Eds.), Locating Critical Sexuality: Forecasting the Trends of ‘Glocal’ Sexual Literacy. New York: Anthem Press.
  • 2021
    Trending queer: Emerging adults and the growing resistance to compulsory heterosexuality, (forthcoming chapter) in Sexuality and Emerging Adulthood volume of the Oxford series on Emerging Adulthood. Oxford University Press.
  • 2020
    Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies: An Open Textbook., SUNY OER
  • 2018
    Person- and Incident-Level Predictors of Blame, Disclosure, and Reporting to Authorities in Rape Scenarios., Journal of Interpersonal Violence
  • 2018
    Race and the politics of educational exclusion: explaining the persistence of disproportionate disciplinary practices in an urban school district, Race Ethnicity and Education
  • 2018
    Intimacy Through Casual Sex: Relational Context of Sexual Activity and Affectionate Behaviors., Journal of Relationships Research
  • 2013
    Introducing “Impact Validity”. , Journal of Social Issues
  • 2013
    Modern Prejudice and Same-Sex Parenting: Shifting Judgments in Positive and Negative Parenting Situations, Journal of GLBT Family Studies
  • 2012
    Sexual hookup culture: A review., Review of General Psychology
  • 2010
    Beyond Progress and Marginalization: LGBTQ Youth in Educational Contexts. , New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • 2010
    Valued differences or benevolent stereotypes? Exploring the influence of positive beliefs on anti-gay and anti-lesbian attitudes, Psychology & Sexuality
  • 2009
    Polymorphous Prejudice: Liberating the Measurement of Heterosexuals' Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men, Journal of Homosexuality
  • 2006
    Anti-Homosexual Prejudice... as Opposed to What? Queer Theory and the Social Psychology of Anti-Homosexual Prejudice, Journal of Homosexuality, Special Issue: The Contested Terrain of LGBT Studies and Queer Theory
  • 1998
    Qualitative Approaches to the Study of Thriving: What Can Be Learned?, Journal of Social Issues

Grants and Contracts

  • 2018
    Race, Economic Disadvantage, and Out-of-School Suspensions: Data, Dialogue, and Opportunities for Reform.
    Funding Source:
    Binghamton University Citizenship, Rights, and Cultural Belonging Transdisciplinary Areas of Excellence Seed Grant Program.
  • 2013
    The Lesbian and Gay Family Building Project.
    Funding Source:
    NY State Department of Health LGBT Health and Human Services Grant.

Professional Memberships

  • Member, American Psychological Association, Divisions: 7, 8, 9, 35, 44, 45