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Research Associate, Ecology and Evolution, University of Adelaide

I am interested in the interactions between physiological traits, movement and dispersal, and ecology and evolution that together define the ecological niche. I use spatioetmporal modelling appraoches to integrate these drivers to answer questions about biogeography and guide biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration.

Following a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Botany (UWA 2004), I undertook Honours research in the comparative physiology of small Australian mammals. In 2012 I was awarded my PhD from UWA on the ecophysiological and behavioural correlates of biogeogprahy of carnivorous marsupials (Sminthopsis spp).Since then I have held research positions at several tertiary research organisations across Australia.


  • –present
    Research Associate, University of Adelaide


  • 2012 
    University of Western Australia, PhD