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Sergio Hoyas Calvo

Catedrático de Ingeniería Aeroespacial, Universitat Politècnica de València

Dr. Sergio Hoyas Calvo was born in Madrid on February 10, 1975. He graduated in 1999 in Mathematical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and received his Ph.D. in 2003 in Applied Mathematics from the same university. In December 2010, he was appointed associate professor of Aerospace Engineering. He obtained his full professorship in December 2019.
He is lecturing in the Master of Aerospace Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPVLC). After several years at the UPVLC institute CMT-Motores Térmicos, his research activity is developed at Instituto de Matemática Pura y Aplicada. In addition, since 2014 and by agreement with the UPV, he has collaborated with the international program of the Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida as a Lecturer of Mathematics.
Previously, he has been PDI of the universities of Castilla-la Mancha (five years), Politécnica de Madrid (Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow, two years), Valencia (Assistant Doctor, 18 months), and UPVLC (Senior Lecturer, two years). He has three six-year and three five-year teaching periods. During these years, he has been teaching in the areas of knowledge of Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Architecture, and Aerospace Engineering.
He is an expert in the modeling and simulation of physical systems, so apart from his main field of research, the numerical simulation of fluid dynamics, he has published research articles on Artificial Intelligence, Chemistry, Heat Transmission, and Biology. In this field, he has developed the BRECAN algorithm for the early detection of breast cancer. The company Ascires SL is commercially exploiting this algorithm.

Since 2001 Prof. Hoyas has published 63 Scopus-Indexed articles. He has 2244 citations. One of his articles is an ISI Highly cited with ~730 citations. It is the most cited Spanish article in the prestigious journal Physics of Fluids. This year he published a paper in the Journal Physics Review Letters where he proposes a new way of studying turbulent flows. The usefulness of this theory is shown by demonstrating mathematically for the first time a well-known property of wall-bounded flows: the existence of a logarithmic profile in the streamwise component of the velocity. In addition, he has published seven more articles with relative quality index, has participated in 40 national and international conferences, and has given three invited seminars.

Prof. Hoyas has supervised four Ph.D. theses. He is currently supervising 4 Ph.D. theses, all of them related to fluid mechanics. He has supervised approximately 150 Batchelor and Master Thesis. The results of five of these theses have been published in scientific journals.
Dr Hoyas has been the principal investigator of two FECYT projects (100k€) and three public projects evaluated by ANEP, through an agreement with the Valencian Agency of Evaluation and Prospective. These have been funded by the UPV and the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) for a total of 60,000 €. Since joining the university, he has participated in 15 publicly funded research projects, including regional, national, three European projects, one ESA project and one Consolider.
As technology transfer, Prof. Hoyas is a member of the advisory board of the company Zeleros SL, a company that wants to develop the fifth method of transport, the Hyperloop. He is also collaborating with Comet SL, a small enterprise in València, in a European Space Agency project and the simulation of drones using Computational Fluid Dynamics.


  • –present
    Catedrático de Ingeniería Aeroespacial, Universitat Politècnica de València


  • 2003 
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Doctor en Matemática Aplicada