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Shakila Thangaratinam

Professor of Maternal and Perinatal health, University of Birmingham

Shakila Thangaratinam is Professor of Maternal and Perinatal Health at University of Birmingham, and leads the Maternal and Reproductive Health Theme (Jan 2020-). She is the co-Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women’s Health and academic lead for Women’s Health in Birmingham Health Partners. As Consultant Obstetrician she is involved in the care of high-risk mothers at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.


  • 2020–present
    Chair professor, University of Birmingham
  • 2012–2019
    Chair professor, Queen Mary University of London


  • 2021 
    FRCPEdin, RCPEdin
  • 2011 
    PhD, University of Birmingham
  • 2003