My research centres around themes of embodiment, difference, ethics, identity and the feminine in organisation. I am broadly concerned with critical approaches to the study of management and organisation, especially post-structuralist perspectives and critiques of power which I continue to develop as part of an ongoing research agenda. I have a particular interest in feminist post-structuralism including, but not limited to, the work of Luce Irigaray. I utilise visceral perspectives by critiquing and investigating the relationships between affect, language and corporeality. More recently I have explored the multiple meanings of writing in an institutional setting through feminine writing. I have a more general interest in the adoption of discursive perspectives and the relevance of, what is commonly termed, “philosophy” to the study of management and organisation. I am currently engaged in projects on leadership and materiality, ethico-political feminist resistance, dirty work, practices of remembering, and corporeality in physical labour. I have published in scholarly journals such as Organization Studies, Organization and Culture & Organization, as well as contributed to various edited collections. I have recently edited a special issue of Leadership on ‘The Materiality of Leadership’ (with Alison Pullen).