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Silje Steinsbekk

I'm an Associate professor at the Dept. of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and a clinical child,- and adolescent psychologist. My main research interests are eating behavior/disorders, overweight, body image, sleep problems/disorders and children's mental health. I am the co-PI of the Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS), a longitudinal study of the 2003 and 2004 cohorts in Trondheim, Norway. The overall aims of the study are to identify predictors and mechanisms related to psychosocial development, mental health, eating behavior, physical activity and overweight. The study started when the children were 4 years of age (n=997) and data has been collected biennially, the participants now being 12 years of age (i.e. five waves of data collected).


  • 2011–present
    Associate professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • 2002–2014
    Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, St Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim
  • 2008–2011
    PhD candidate, Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • 1999–2002
    Clinical Psychologist, Breimyra orphanage, Bergen, Norway