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PhD candidate, Monash University

PhD candidate at the EvoMorph Lab of Professor Alistair Evans at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Studying the effectiveness of venomous snake strikes.
Originally from Belgium where I did a masters in evolutionary and behavioural biology.


  • 2018–2021
    PhD candidate, Monash University


  • 2017 
    UAntwerp, Masters in Evolutionary and Behavioural Biology
  • 2015 
    UHasselt, Bachelors in Biology


  • 2018
    How does intrauterine crowding affect locomotor performance in newborn pigs? A study of force generating capacity and muscle composition of the hind limb,

Grants and Contracts

  • 2019
    Carl Gans Grant
    Attendance of international conference
    Funding Source:
    Carl Gans Collections and Charitable Fund
  • 2019
    Holsworth research endowment
    Supporting my PhD research
    Funding Source:
    Ecological society of Australia