International Aid and Sustainable Development in North Korea: A Country Left Behind with Cloaked Society, Routledge
Compliance with Global Norms: A Case of North Korea and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In: Comprehensive Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula: Internal Dynamics in North Korea and South Korean Approaches, Palgrave Macmillan
Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula, Routledge
Struggle on Demand: Shaping Contemporary North Korea's Public Sphere through Memory Politics, Journal of Peace and Unification
South Korean Popular Culture in the Global Context: Beyond the Fandom, Routledge
Sustainable Development from the Unsustainable Climate: Sustainable Development Goals and the Pacific Small Island Developing States. In: Pacific Voices and Climate Change, Palgrave Macmillan
International Cooperation and Development: Post-Covid-19 International Development Cooperation in Latin America [국제협력과 개발 : 코로나19이후 중남미 국제개발협력의 새로운 이슈와 전망] (in Korean), Hanul
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea, Routledge
The Evolution Story of South Korea from a Fragile State to an International Actor. In: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea, Routledge
The Paradox of Unsustainability in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The North Korean Case in the Context of Accountability and the Fragile States under Sanctions, Journal of Peace and Unification
Assessing the Landscape of Taiwan and Korean Studies in Comparison. Brill Series in Taiwan Studies, BRILL
East Asian Area Studies Teaching Programmes in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Case Study of Korean Studies at the University of Central Lancashire and Taiwan Studies at SOAS, University of London., BRILL
Local government and network governance in the era of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Gyeongsangbukdo Province and Daegu Metropolitan City in South Korea, México y la Cuenca del Pacífic
Determinants of Aid Modalities: A Case of South Korea on Triangular Cooperation and its Implication towards North Korea, North Korean Review
Twinning Method in Development Cooperation: A Case Study of EU-Peru and its implications for Korean Local Governments, The Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Forging 'Soft' Accountability in Unlikely Settings: A Conceptual Analysis of Mutual Accountability in the Context of South-South Cooperation, Global Governance
Development Cooperation Decentralization by Local Government: A Comparative Study of Aid Policy in the United Kingdom and Germany [국제개발협력의 지방분권화에 대한 소고 : 영국과 독일의 원조정책 비교연구] (in Korean) , The Journal of Contemporary European Studies
A Pattern of the Nexus Between Aid Motivations and National by Aid Type: a Comparative Study of South Korea, Japan, Germany and France [원조형태에따른원조동기와국익연계패턴분석: 한국, 일본, 독일, 프랑스 사례를 중심으로] (in Korean), National Strategy
The Role of Infrastructure for Economic Development in the 2030 Sustainable Development Era [2030 지속가능한 개발시대의 경제개발을 위한 인프라의 역할] (in Korean), [Journal of Korea Development Cooperation
AIIB and China's Foreign Aid Policy [AIIB 설립과 중국의 대외원조 전략의 한국 개발협력에 대한 시사점] (in Korean), Journal of Korea Development Cooperation
Development Effectiveness and Capacity Development in Developing Countries: Can European Twinning Method Be Applied to the Appropriate Technology Process? A Case Study in Cambodia [효과적 개도국 역량개발을 위한 유럽식 트위닝 이론의 캄보디아 내 적정기술에 대한 적용가능성] (in Korean), The Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Emerging Economies and the Development Effectiveness Paradigm: A Comparative Analysis of BRICS, IBSA and BASIC in South-South Cooperation [개발효과성 이론으로 본 신흥경제국의 남남협력 참여: BRICS, IBSA, BASIC의 남남협력과 개발효과성에 대한 소고] (in Korean), Journal of International and Area Studies
Compliance with International Norms: Implementing OECD DAC Principles in South Korea, Globalizations
Can There Be An East Asian Donor Model? A Comparative Study of South Korea, China and Japan, Journal of International Development Cooperation
Donor Behaviour Change in Implementing the Paris Declaration and its Implication for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation: A Comparative Study of Sweden and China in Tanzania, The Korean Journal of Area Studies
Determinants of Development Aid Policy: A Comparative Study between Eastern European Donors and East Asian Donors [동유럽과 동아시아 공여국의 원조정책 비교에 대한 소고] (in Korean), East Europe and Balkan Studies