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Solveig Haukeland

Dr Haukeland is a general nematologist and an expert in entomopathogenic nematodes and mollusc parasitic nematodes for biological control.

She joined icipe in 2014 as a CIM integrated expert (funded by GIZ), to build the Centre’s expertise and capacity in nematology. Since 2015 a laboratory has been established with a team of technicians and students working on various aspects of agricultural nematology. We work in close collaboration with IITA nematologists also residing on icipe campus.

Before joining icipe, Dr Haukeland worked for over 15 years on various aspects of applied nematology at NIBIO (previously Bioforsk), in Norway, where she is still affiliated. In the recent past, she has been involved in supervising postgraduate students on entomopathogenic nematodes in Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.


  • –present
    General nematologist, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology