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Associate Professor School of Built Environment, University of Technology Sydney

Song received his Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree in 1991 from Southeast University, China and completed his PhD in Property Studies in 2009 from Massey University, New Zealand. His PhD thesis has been included in the Dean's List of Exceptional Doctoral Theses.

In 2011, Song won the prestigious national Property Institute of New Zealand Academic Award. In 2013, Song was invited to Tsinghua University, China for a scholar visit of 3 months. In 2017, Song left school of economics and finance at Massey University and joined UTS in the school of built environment. He teaches property finance, investment and financial analysis subjects at UTS.

Song has widely published his research work in top academic journals, including Journal of Banking and Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Urban Studies, Cities, Housing Studies, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, Journal of Real Estate Research, International Journal of Strategic Property Management, Journal of Property Research, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, and Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management.

He is the board director of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress and currently on the editorial board of Pacific Rim Property Research Journal and International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, University of Technology Sydney


  • 2009 
    Massey University, PhD