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* Served in the US Navy and is now an Honorary Captain in the Royal New Zealand Navy
*Practiced journalism in Asia and still contributes media commentary
*Studied political science in California, earning a doctorate
*Taught at universities in St. Louis, Hong Kong, and Kobe
*Settled in New Zealand in 1972

Research | Current
*Foreign and security policies of New Zealand, Asia, the United States, Europe and the Middle East
*Politics of trade
*International human rights institutions

Within the broad field of International Relations, Stephen Hoadley works primarily in the sub-discipline of Foreign Policy Analysis. He finds it satisfying intellectually, and most feasible for student research. It entails exploration of why particular governments pursue particular foreign policies, considering not only international opportunities and threats but also the domestic institutions and political influences that shape policies. He treats foreign policies as encompassing not only diplomacy, security, and trade but also aid, cultural exchange, and advocacy of arms control, human rights and environmental protection.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, University of Auckland