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Dr. Murray is an Associate Professor in International Relations and Diplomacy (Bond University, Australia), a Global Fellow at the Academy of Sport (The University of Edinburgh), an Honorary Member of the Centre for Law, Policy, and Diplomacy at the University of Rijeka (Croatia), and an Adjunct Research Fellow at Griffith University (Australia).

A globally respected editor, writer, speaker, and expert on International Relations, Diplomacy and Sport, his work has been cited over 1200 times. Stuart has published dozens of peer reviewed academic journals, several edited books such as Secret Diplomacy: Concepts, Context and Cases (2016), and a seminal monograph entitled Sports Diplomacy: Origins, Theory and Practice (2018).

As a consultant he has worked with the British Council, The Department of Foreign affairs and Trade, the International Olympic Academy, and many others. Stuart is also a co-founder of Sports Diplomacy Alliance, a global advisory and accreditation business that specializes in harnessing the power of sport to generate commercial, diplomatic, and social impact.


  • 2007–2024
    Associate Professor , Bond University