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Academic Clinical Lecturer in Paediatrics, Newcastle University

Sunil Bhopal's research aims to improve health and wellbeing for young children in the UK and in low- and middle-income countries, focussing on the first thousand days through pregnancy and the early years of life which are critical to optimal lifelong health. He is particularly interested in the role of childhood adversity during this time, and science-based approaches to improving life chances for children living with adversity. His PhD at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) examining the role of early life stress in the optimal development of young babies in rural India won the Cicily Williams prize (for research advancing the health of vulnerable populations) and the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health Lorber prize (for best scientific paper in paediatrics by a pre-consultant grade medical practitioner). He is a clinical lecturer in population health paediatrics based between Newcastle University and the linked Great North Children's Hospital in the North East of England. He holds an honorary role at the LSHTM and is a trustee at the childrens charities Early Years Information & Research, and The Children's Foundation.


  • 2020–2021
    Clinical Lecturer in Paediatrics & Child Health, Newcastle University