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Associate Professor, Paediatrics, Griffith University

Associate Professor Susan Moloney is a general paediatrician and is the Director of Paediatrics at the Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland. She is an Associate Professor School of Medicine Griffith University and Honorary Adjunct Professor Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. She is a Pre Eminent Staff Specialist

Susan is a Past President of the Paediatrics & Child Health Division of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and a previous RACP Board Director. Susan has been a clinical network chair for Queensland Health and chaired the infant mortality subcommittee for the state from 2001- 2006. She has also been on many other state-wide committees and taskforces. She was a member of the Independent Health Advisory Panel (Medivac Panel) for the Commonwealth Minister for Home Affairs April -Dec 2019

Susan does overseas volunteer work for Operation SMILE, a worldwide children’s charity organisation that helps treat facial deformities such as cleft lips and cleft palates.


  • 2012–present
    President, Paediatrics & Child Health Division, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)