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Adjunct Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney

Pharmacist (UK).
PhD pharmaceutical chemistry (UK).
2.5 years in the Australian pharmaceutical industry in quality control and pharmaceutical development.
27 years with TGA and its predecessors.
Adjunct Associate Professor UNSW and University of Canberra.
8 years as convenor of two UNSW modules in pharmaceutical development of medicines.
Regular contracts with WHO & other international organisations, including....
- Teaching medicines regulation, especially quality and bioavailability of medicines
- Preparation of reports and guidelines
- Review of regulatory authorities in six countries & recommendations for restructure & improvement.
Occasional consultancies for the Australian pharmaceutical industry concerning the quality of medicines.
Training activities for an Australian industry association in a technical area.
Occasional pharmacy locums.


  • 1976–2001
    Responsible for premarket evaluation of quality & bioavailability of prescription medicines, TGA


  • 1971 
    University of Strathclyde, Scotland, PhD pharmaceutical chemistry

Research Areas

  • Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Sciences (1115)