Terry Bolin has been involved at the forefront of gastrointestinal research with regard to the small intestine, its milieu and its contribution to such common conditions as irritable bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth, lactase deficiency, bowel gas and influences on nutrition. He has led the way in regard to community attitudes, medical research and government funding of prevention programs for colorectal cancer and has been a distinguished administrator as a Head of Gastroenterology at the Prince of Wales Hospital.
Terry is the inaugural president of the Gut Foundation and has a longstanding interest in education and research. This relates particularly to lumenal gastroenterology in terms of acid reflux, helicobacter, malabsorption and colorectal cancer. His recent major interests relate to malabsorption in the elderly and how this might impact on length of stay, morbidity and mortality. It also addresses the issue of malabsorption as a component of malnutrition. He also continues to have a major interest in intestinal gas and bloating.