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I recently defended my PhD dissertation in behavioral science at the School of Economics and Finance at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. During my PhD, I have been funded as a scholar of the Chair in the Economics for Disasters and Climate Change and I have worked on research in the economics sub-discipline of behavioral insurance.
Prior to beginning my PhD degree, I worked for several financial corporations in short-term positions such as assistant auditor (KPMG), portfolio management intern (Deutsche Bank), and project management intern (UBS), while working on or preparing for my university degrees in business administration (majoring in finance and minoring in accounting and economics). I graduated with a master’s degree from the University of Trier, Germany, and participated in fully-funded study abroad programs in the USA with scholarships (PROMOS and ISEP). My master’s thesis was a behavioral study on the susceptibility to framing effects by people who classify as thorough thinkers (as opposed to impulsive doers).
Find out more about me on my homepage:


  • –present
    Postdoctoral researcher, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington


  • 2022 
    Victoria University of Wellington, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)