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PhD Candidate in Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge

I am a research student in bioarchaeology and biological anthropology. Currently I am working on my PhD in Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge.

My research mostly focuses on diseases in past societies (palaeopathology), currently on the parasites of Medieval Europe. The theme of my PhD thesis is to explore how one's lifestyle may have an impact on risks of infecting different parasite species. Palaeopathology has been the centre of my research for years, and I have published papers on archaeological materials from Vietnam, UK, Belgium, and Italy.

My archaeology training started from my undergraduate days, when I majored in archaeology at Jilin University in Changchun, China. I then did my Master degree at the Australian National University. I have been receiving scholarships/fundings based on academic merits throughout these years.


  • 2020–present
    PhD student, University of Cambridge