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Professor of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield

Tim Wright is currently Editor in Chief of the Chinese Studies module of the Oxford Bibliographies. This is a continuing project, in which the first 54 articles went online in April 2013. A similar or larger number will be added in 2014.

Tim Wright's research interests focus on the political economy and development of China, both before the 1949 revolution and in the contemporary period.

His major project is on economic fluctuations in Republican China, especially the impact of the 1930s world depression, and he has published articles on labour, on the regional economies of south-west and north-east China and on business-government relations in that context. He is currently working on issues of natural disasters and currency fluctuations in the economy of north-east China during the pre-war period.

A second current interest is in the political economy of economic reform in the contemporary Chinese coal industry. Most recently he has published several journal articles on the topic as well as a book on The Political Economy of Chinese Coal Industry: Black Gold and Blood Stained Coal with Routledge.

Other on-going research interests include Chinese business history (with an article on a major pre-war coal mining company) and Chinese historiography (on which he edited and introduced a book of Chinese articles on economic history).


  • –present
    Professor of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield