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Fellow at Department of Environmental Studies Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

I earned an MSc in Nature Science from the Padua University, Italy, and a PhD in Environmental Science from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, working on modeling for integrated analysis of farming systems. At the UAB I earned also MSc in Ecological Economics and Environmental Management.
My scientific interests concern farming and food system analysis, organic agriculture, genetic engineering in agriculture, biofuels, ecological economics, and biodiversity conservation. On these topics, I authored and co-authored about 30 scientific papers
I worked in various international projects mainly, in Europe and Asia, concerning rural development, the relations between agriculture and the environment, and organic agriculture.
From 2006 to 2011, I served as adjunct professor at Padua University (Italy), teaching General ecology (undergraduates) and Agroecology and human ecology (graduates).


  • –present
    Fellow at Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University