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Associate Professor, Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University

I am an Associate Professor in the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University.

Tom is an expert in the management, operational environment and working practices of sports officials. Tom has published extensively on the subject of sports officials, including two books and over 40 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Tom's recent research has focused on abuse, aggression and maltreatment of sports officials, the mental health and wellbeing of sports officials from a global perspective and the careers, recruitment, and retention of sports officials. Focused on these research objectives, Tom is involved in research projects around the world, with funding and support from organisations such as the UEFA Research Fund, European Commission, Quebec Ministry of Education, Canadian Institute of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada. Tom is also a research member of the Safety and Integrity in Sport group, based at the University of Laval, Canada.


  • 2023–present
    Associate professor, Coventry University
  • 2014–2023
    Senior Lecturer in Sport Management, University of Portsmouth
  • 2008–2014
    Senior Lecturer in Sports Development, University of Portsmouth
  • 2006–2008
    Lecturer in Sports Development, University of Portsmouth