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Understanding how a fire behaves and the ability of management actions to alter this is central to estimating bushfire risk. Fire management begins before the fire and extends beyond fire behaviour including a number of social elements such as community preparation and response. My work covers the broad range of management actions from the predisposition of the landscape to ignition through to the impact of fires on human and environmental assets. The ultimate goal of my research is the identification of an optimal mix of fire management strategies to provide the greatest reduction in risk to people and property in a cost-effective manner while maintaining environmental values in the landscape.


  • 2014–present
    Lecturer Bushfire Behaviour and Management, University of Melbourne
  • 2011–2014
    Senior research fellow, Bushfire Risk, University of Wollongong
  • 2005–2011
    Research scientist, NSW Department of Primary Industries


  • 2005 
    PhD (Conservation Biology), University of Newcastle
  • 1998 
    BSc (Hons), University of New South Wales