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Postdoctoral research fellow, CQUniversity Australia

Dr Saunders (BPsych, MPH, PhD) is a Gunggari woman with connections to the Maranoa region of Southern Central Queensland. She is currently research fellow with the Jawun Research Centre (formerly the Centre for Indigenous Health Equity) Central Queensland University and the Centre for Research Excellence-Strengthening Systems STRengthening systems for InDigenous health care Equity (CRE-STRIDE). She is also Adjunct Research Associate with the Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre through the Listening to Country project (see She is currently a member of the Maya Kawayu Indigenous data governance committee (ANU) and the Muliyan research consortium, which is a community of independent academics/educational researchers working with the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives. Her research interests are focused on building First Peoples research capacity, public health and arts-based research as well as Indigenist and poetic inquiry.


  • 2021–present
    Dr, Central Queensland University